Three Abilities – 1:20

From the above, we see three general abilities in G-dliness.

1. The Ohr Ein Sof (The Infinite Light) represents the general ability for infinite Divine revelation.

2. The Tzimtzum and Reshimu (Restraint and Impression) represent the general ability for the absolute withdrawal and concealment of Divine revelation.

3. The Kav V’Chut (Line and Thread) represents a combination of the two, revelation and concealment, but both in a limited way. This is to say that there is a limited revelation of G-dliness according to the vessels of the recipients. This represents the general ability to reveal G-dliness on any level, whether it is the highest or the lowest.

HaGadol, HaGibor V’HaNorah–The Great, The Mighty and The Awesome

These three abilities correspond to the three Divine attributes which are mentioned three time daily in the first blessing of the Amidah prayer; HaGadol, HaGibor V’HaNorah (The Great, The Mighty and The Awesome)

“The Great”, refers to the Ohr Ein Sof (The Infinite Light) which is G-d’s ability to reveal infinitely.
“The Mighty”, refers to the Tzimtzum and Reshimu (Restraint and impression) which is His ability to restrain and conceal His revelation absolutely.
“The Awesome” refers to the Kav V’Chut (Line and thread) which is His limitless ability to reveal in a restrained manner on any level between the two extremities of either infinite revelation or absolute concealment.

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