Inclusion and Subdivision – 1:43

As mentioned above, it is specifically in Tikkun where there can be an inclusion of one sefirah with its opposite, and where a composition of two opposite sefirot can take place to form a compound quality or act. Another difference between Tohu andTikkun which illustrates how one action may include two opposites may be understood from the well known experiment that gauges the intelligence of animals. An animal is placed in an area surrounded by a u-shaped fence. Food is then placed on the outside of the middle fence. An intelligent animal will come to the realization that it must initially go in the opposite direction than the food, thus distancing itself from the object of it’s desire, in order to go around the fence to acquire it. An animal of lesser intelligence, on the other hand, will attempt to go in the direction of the food and will forever be frustrated in achieving its goal. Now, the act of stepping away from the food is the diametric opposite of the desire.  The desire is for the food, but the animal must actually go away from it.  In contrast, the other animal does go in the direction of the food.  But, which animal gets the food?  It is specifically the animal who can step away from the object of his desire and objectively analyze the situation. The reason is because he is able to make a compromise, and actually go against his desire.  The act of moving away from the food includes two opposites.  The light of the action, its intent, is for the food, but the action itself is its opposite, in that he movesaway from the food. It is specifically because of this that he gets the food.  The raw desire of the other animal, on the other hand, is too overpowering, and it is therefore unable to objectively analyze the situation.

The above example gives clear insight into the worlds of Tohu (Chaos) and Tikkun (Rectification).  It is only in Tikkun where compromise and inclusion of two opposites can take place.  It is therefore specifically in Tikkun where there are subdivisions of each sefirah into ten and those into ten, infinitely subdividing in order to make it possible for any number of combinations of inclusion and compromise to exist.  However, in Tohu only ten indivisible essential points exist, (or, as mentioned above, only a single subdivision into ten within each point, which is called a sefirah) thereby making inclusion and compromise impossible.

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