On Divine Inspiration – Chapter 11

Now, the second level, which is above this, is the above mentioned matter of listening from afar. He specifically listens to and contemplates G_dliness and understands it well, until he realizes the truth of it and accepts it as absolute truth, at least intellectually (It is firmly established in his mind). However, the matter is still distant from him, so that he questions what benefit his soul will derive from it.

This is because though the matter of contemplating G_dliness itself is very precious in his eyes and he accepts it in a manner of “acknowledgement”, so that the matter of G_dliness is very great and lofty in his mind and heart as being utterly sublime, however, he still only wishes and longs that this G_dliness be established in his heart and soul in a revealed and felt manner, rather than being hidden and distant, (The matter is still very distant from him, does not belong to him, and does not relate to him at all) as known.

This level is better than the previous one because, at least, it is close to arriving at actual Divine excitement. This is because, after all, the contemplation of G_dliness is important to him. He greatly desires it and his chief goal and desire is to approach it. Only that though he occupies himself with it, he does not affect Divine excitement from it in his heart and mind at all. However, it is not for his selfish pleasure, but solely for G_dliness, sincehis only desire is that closeness to G_d be firmly established in his soul. In essence, this level is the beginning of those who seek G_d in truth and purity, specifically with a motive that is accepted by G_d.

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