On Divine Inspiration – Chapter 22

Now, from the example of the distance between the “excitement in the explanation” as compared to the “excitement in the G_dliness of the explanation,” mentioned above, we may now understand the even greater distance there is between the Divine excitement in the “comprehension of the natural soul” as compared to the Divine excitement in the “comprehension of the Divine soul.”

The excitement in the comprehension of the natural soul is like a mere garment that hides and conceals the excitement in the comprehension of the Divine soul. Likewise, the desire and pleasure of the natural soul are garments for the desire and pleasure of the Divine soul (An example of this is the difference between physical pleasure and comprehension compared to the spiritual pleasure and comprehension in the Garden of Eden, as mentioned above).

Wefind that because of its essential worth, certainly, even the lowest level of the Divine soul (which constitutes its most diminished aspect and is the excitement of the essence of the Divine soul in an aspect of action; is drawn after G_dliness without reason, similar to the exodus from Egypt, about which it is written, “That you followed Me in the desert”[1] – like a child who follows his father etc.) This lowest level of the Divine soul still is from the aspect of the essence of the soul of the Jew and is far greater than even the highest level of the natural soul. In other words, it is even higher than the “Simple will” which is called “Intention”, mentioned above.

Even so, the ten powers of the Divine soul are invested within the ten powers of the natural soul; the pleasure of the Divine soul is invested in the pleasure of the natural soul, its desire is invested in the desire of the natural soul, its intellect in the intellect and its emotions in the emotions etc., as known.

Accordingly, the Binah of the Divine soul is invested within the comprehension of the natural soul itself, which is its Binah. This being the case, The Divine excitement in the understanding and comprehension of the Divine soul is also invested within the Divine excitement in the understanding and comprehension of the natural soul. This principle holds true all the way to its root within its comprehension and understanding as it is when it delights in the illumination of the “Indwelling Presence of G_d” in the Garden of Eden.

This is as mentioned above concerning the matter of “Only in the image of G_d does a man walk.”[2] As known, this refers to the soul as it is invested within the body. The difference is like the difference between essential light and filtered light, as explained above, or like the above mentioned excitement of the Heyulie aspect that is hidden within the excitement of the explanation. This is sufficient for those of understanding.

[1] Jeremiah 2:2

[2] Psalms 39:7

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