The Knowledge Of G-D – 1:116

We may now understand what was mentioned earlier about the expansions of the Holy Name of G-d, Havayah.  We explained earlier that there are four general expansions of the ineffable name of G-d.

The first is YOD-HY-VYV-HY (Hebrew) and is expanded with Yods.  This is the name of 72-A”V (H) which is its numerical value.  This name corresponds to Chochmah.

The second is YOD-HY-VAV-HY (Hebrew) and is expanded with Yods and an Aleph.  This is the name of 63-SA”G (H) which is its numerical value.  This name corresponds to Binah.

The third is YOD-HA-VAV-HA (Hebrew) and is expanded with Alephs.  This is the name of 45-M”AH (H) which is its numerical value.  This name corresponds to Zeir Anpin, the six emotional attributes.

The last is YOD-HH-VV-HH (Hebrew).  This is the name of 52-B”AN (H) which is its numerical value.  This name corresponds to Malchut.

These names can be further expanded, so that for example the “YOD” can be expanded to “YOD-VAV-DALET” (which is the spelling of the letter “YOD”).

In general, everything in existence is an expansion of an expansion of an expansion etc, of the ineffable name of G-d, as stated, “I Havayah have not changed”. Just as He was one and alone before the creation of the world, so is He one and alone after its creation.  These expansions are explanations, so to speak.  For example, the expansion of the letter “YOD” to “YOD-VAV-DALET” is an explanation of the letter “YOD”.  The letters “VAV” and “DALET” can also be explained.  In other words, the expansion of “VAV” is “VAV-ALEF-VAV”.  The entire expansion is nothing more then the revelation and explanation of the details and the details of the details, until the finest detail.  This is similar to the statement that King Solomon said three thousand allegories. This means that he said an allegory, which is an explanation of the analogue. In order for the allegory to be understood, he said another allegory on the first allegory, i.e. an explanation on an explanation.  Then he said a third allegory on the second allegory, i.e. an explanation on an explanation on an explanation, until be brought the subject down, level by level, three thousand times. The analogue was enclothed in the first allegory and the first allegory was enclothed in the next allegory, etc. Each subsequent allegory brought about greater and greater revelation. Likewise, as explained before, a name is a description and explanation which reveals the essence of the thing being described.  Therefore, the expansions of the name of G-d are explanations of explanations, revealing revelations upon revelations of the understanding of G-d, who is the original analogue. The expansions of the name of G-d are the details which reveal the whole.

However an allegory may conceal rather than reveal. If the recipient is unaware that this is an allegory which contains deeper meaning, he will learn nothing from it. Even if he knows it is an allegory, but cannot decipher its meaning, he will come up with wrong or shallow interpretations that will have little or nothing to do with the analogue. In the same way, the expansions of the name of G-d, may conceal rather than reveal. Each subsequent expansion will conceal more, to the point where there is a concealment of a concealment of a concealment etc.  In other words, when one hasn’t got a clue as to what is being explained, each detail that is given to him, will confuse his understanding all the more, and the analogue becomes more and more concealed and removed from him, until  to he is totally lost and separate from it. This is similar to an allegory that is misunderstood, such as the allegories of King Solomon. When the allegories are misunderstood, the last allegory, which is the three thousandth one, becomes the most concealed and appears to be a completely separate entity from the analogue. In the same way, this world is an allegory of an allegory or an expansion of an expansion etc, of the name of G-d. If it is understood correctly it reveals G-d all the more. However, if it is misread or misunderstood it may conceal G-d’s light totally.

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