The Knowledge Of G-D – 2:15

Thus far we have discussed what Hitbonenut is and have given the material which one is to contemplate.  One question remains, perhaps the most important question of all.  What is the purpose of Hitbonenut?

The answer is quite simple.  The ultimate purpose of Hitbonenut is to know the Creator, who is the Truth of what is, and to come close to Him. A person may live his entire life in darkness, sunken in the transient pleasures of this lowly physical world and following paths that lead to nowhere, without having questioned why he is here and how he is here. Because he does not seek Truth, his life flies by without his having fulfilled the purpose of his existence. He might not even realize or contemplate that there is a purpose.

As mentioned before, even many people who study Torah and keep its Mitzvot (Commandments), do so by rote, without enthusiasm and emotions, or delude themselves into a false sense of emotional excitement, without truly seeking G-d.  This is because they have not contemplated and grasped, in a way of Hitbonenut, to truly understand the purpose of their existence.

In contrast, one who has tasted the results of his efforts in the path of Truth can testify to the fact that love and fear of G-d have been aroused within him as the automatic result of Hitbonenut.  He can bear witness to the fact that what results from Hitbonenut is true love and fear, only for G-d.

Because of this, he begins to disdain the false pleasures of this lowly world, and even the upper spiritual worlds cannot satisfy him.  G-d alone is his passion and cure.  Truth is the only path upon which his feet trod, and there is profound purpose to his existence.  He gives his life over to his Creator, and his sole desire is to fulfill the will of his Master and King.  Truly, this is the purpose of Man, as stated, “In conclusion, after everything has been heard (which, as mentioned before, refers to the understanding and comprehension of Binah), fear G-d, and fulfill His commandments, for this is the whole (purpose) of Man.”

Lastly, it must be pointed out that, “The reward is commensurate to the effort”, as the Talmud states, “He who claims that he has toiled but has not found, is not to be believed, he who claims to have found without toil, is not to be believed.  However, he who claims that he has toiled and has found is to be believed.”

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