From all the above we understand that there are five general levels of the arousal of the mind and heart which result from the Hitbonenut-contemplation of G-dliness. These correspond to the five levels of the soul, Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, Chayah and Yechidah. The level of Nefesh is the resolve and commitment that relates to action only and is called “Cold Thought”. Here he acknowledges and submits to the truth of the G-dly matters he has learned. The second level, Ruach, is the “Good Thought” in which he feels that G-dliness is directly relevant to him. Because of this there is a greater vitality to his service of G-d than the previous level. The third level, Neshamah, is the “Natural Love and Fear of G-d”. This is when the intellect actually causes great emotional excitement in the heart (but only from the Tamtzit – The Final Essential Conclusion). About this level it is stated, “Binah Libah, OoBa HaLev Mevin – Binah is the heart, for through it the heart understands”. The next level is the revelation of the Chayah. This is called “Intellectual Love and Fear of G-d”. Here his entire being is involved and engrossed in matters of G-dliness and the excitement of his heart expands his intellectual capacities, literally. This is when he grasps the Omek Hamoosag (The Depth of Comprehension)to the point that he despises anything short of G-d Himself and yearns to merge and be consumed by G-dliness. The next level is the revelation of the Yechidah. This is the simple essential desire to fulfill the will of G-d, which is completely above the rational intellect, for desire is above reason, as is known. On this level G-d’s will is his will.
Rabbi Avraham Bar Hiyya’s Defense of Astrology
18 Dec, 2015
18 Dec, 2015
The Litigants’ Appointment of the Court
26 Nov, 2015
On The Disqualification of Personal Testimony
11 Nov, 2015
Rabbi Tzadok and Willpower Fatigue
7 Nov, 2015
18 Dec, 2015
From Exile To Redemption (Full Essay)
18 Feb, 2013
9 Dec, 2013
Parshas Noach – Perfect In His Generation
4 Oct, 2013
27 May, 2013
Editor says:I agree they are related: I'm differentiating, that in Maimonides he is...
levi says:
Amiram Markel says:
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