The Knowledge Of G-D – 1:110

We explained before, that “The mother (Binah) lends the clothing (the five Gevurot) to the daughter (Malchut). These five Gevurot are called “Menatzepach”, which is an acronym made up of the five letters in the Hebrew alphabet which end words.  These letters are םןץפך and only come at the end of words. Because they are end letters which “stop” and end the words, they are considered to be an aspect of Gevurah (Constriction and limitation).

Likewise, there are five organs in the mouth from which the letters issue.  These are the throat, tongue, palate, lips and teeth. The five organs of speech are also called the five Gevurot because they limit and define the voice into specific letters.  In Hebrew, all the letters of the alphabet are consonants, which stop and give form to the voice. The letters Aleph, Chet, Hei and Ayin are formed by the constriction of the throat. The letters Gimel, Yud, Chaf and Kuf are formed in the palate. The letters Beit, Vav, Mem and Peh are formed by the lips. The letters Dalet, Tet, Lamed, Nun and Tav are formed by the tongue, and the letters Zayin, Samech, Tzadik, Reish and Shin are formed with the teeth. Each organ of speech gives form to its specific letters. It is through the unifications and inclusions of these letters in various combinations that words are formed. All this comes about specifically through the five Gevurot, which separate and divide the voice to create speech.

It is apparent that there are two components to speech.  There is the “simple substance” of speech and there is the “form” of speech.  The “simple substance” is the “breath and voice” of the speech. The “breath and voice”, in and of itself, is simple and has no specific form. This “breath and voice” is made up of a composite of the fire, water and vapor of the breath of the lungs, as explained before.  On the other hand, the “form” of speech is the divisions and combinations of the letters which are formed by the five organs of the mouth from which they issue.

Now, it is the “simple substance”, the voice itself, which binds the combinations of letters together, similar to a cord which is threaded through a pearl necklace.  Just as the thread holds all the pearls together, unifying them into one necklace, so too the voice travels through the divisions of the letters and binds them to form words and sentences. (As mentioned previously, a similar phenomenon takes place during the thought process. The “thread of thought”, which is the point of the general overview, travels through his “line of thinking” and binds everything together into one single “flow of thought”.  If he were to lose the general overview for a moment, he would lose his “train of thought”.  Likewise, in speech, if the “thought of speech”, mentioned above, is lost momenterily, a person will become incapable of continuing to formulate words. This may be observed in people who interrupt their speech and say “uhhh”. They can only continue when they regain their “speech of thought” thereby regaining their “thought of speech”.

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