The Knowledge Of G-D – 1:14

In order to understand the transition from Kadmon to the beginning of actualization, we must return to the microcosm, the human being.  In order for an intention to come out into actuality from the heyulie state to a specific line of movement, there must be an initial restraint and concentration (Tzimtzum). This is because the heyulie for movement, as it exists in the power of movement of the soul is unlimited. It therefore contains within itself the heyulie for every possible movement that one could make, as one simple undifferentiated unity. Since all the movements exist there as one, at this point he is incapable of making any movement. This is because a movement is specific and thus excludes all other movements. An example of this is the case of a person who is suddenly attacked by a wild animal, such as a mountain lion. The attack is so unexpected and shocking that he freezes. Why does this happen?  Why doesn’t he run to save himself?  The reason is because at that moment, he is so frightened that he wants to run in every direction, all at once. Therefore he cannot run in any direction. This is to say that the entire heyulie for movement wants to come out at once.  Because of this, he cannot limit himself to any one direction and is immobilized.  Nonetheless, after a moment, when he gets hold of the desire to run in all directions and concentrates on one specific line of movement, he regains his ability to move, and runs for his life.  Another example is a person who stutters. The reason he stutters is because he is trying to bring out the whole thought in one shot. There are a wide variety of ways that one thought may be expressed, as we see, that two people may express the same idea with completely different words, but he cannot limit himself and concentrate on one specific line of speech to the exclusion of all others.   From theses examples we can clearly see the need to restrain oneself from all the possibilities, and concentrate on one specific line of thought or movement in order to be able to bring them out.

Another example of this is the teacher-student relationship.  When a teacher wants to teach a student, he must set aside the deep and broad understanding of how he knows the subject and concentrate on its central point, as it applies to the student.  Only then can he draw out a line of explanations from this point, suited to the mind and temperament of the student.  Were he to attempt to teach the subject, according to his own deep and broad understanding of it, without focusing on the point, to the exclusion of all else, the student would fail to comprehend the subject at all. Again we see that in order to act, there needs to be restraint and concentration.

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