As mentioned above, Chochmah (Wisdom) is the intuition and insightful wisdom which flashes into the comprehending brain of Binah (Understanding). Now, if one does not immediately grasp on to the seminal insight of Chochmah and begin analyzing it, it will begin to dissipate and he will soon forget the insight completely. It is only when the flash of intuition is grasped in a way of analysis and comprehension that it can develop into a full blown concept, giving rise to true innovation. It is for this reason that Chochmah and Binah are also called by the terms Abba (Father) and Imma (Mother). This is because they are analogous to the seminal drop of the father being developed into a fully developed child in the womb of the mother. This is also the reason that they are called, Trein Ray’in D’Lo Mitparshin (The two lovers who never separate). This is because the two must always come together. In order for the seminal intuitive concept of Chochmah not to dissipate it must be analyzed and developed in Binah. Conversely, if there is no “concept” or “subject” to analyze, Binah is barren, so to speak, and has nothing to develop.
Rabbi Avraham Bar Hiyya’s Defense of Astrology
18 Dec, 2015
18 Dec, 2015
The Litigants’ Appointment of the Court
26 Nov, 2015
On The Disqualification of Personal Testimony
11 Nov, 2015
Rabbi Tzadok and Willpower Fatigue
7 Nov, 2015
18 Dec, 2015
From Exile To Redemption (Full Essay)
18 Feb, 2013
9 Dec, 2013
Parshas Noach – Perfect In His Generation
4 Oct, 2013
27 May, 2013
Editor says:I agree they are related: I'm differentiating, that in Maimonides he is...
levi says:
Amiram Markel says:
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