The Knowledge Of G-D – 1:59

As mentioned above, the vessels come about from the “thickening” of the lights.  This can be understood as follows.  As explained earlier, the concept of a name is that it defines and describes something.  It was further explained that the lowest level of the upper world, becomes the highest level of the lower world.  This is to say that the Malchut of the upper world becomes the Keter of the lower world.  A more tangible example of this is that from the letters of this book, which constitute its most external level, the inner intellect and motivation of the reader come about.  When this book is studied thoroughly until its ideas “settle” in the mind, they become “thickened” to the point that they congeal as “concrete” concepts.  At this point, not only do they become totally assimilated and “one” with the mind of the student, but he then will be able to convey them and explain them to others. From the last level of the letters of his thoughts, the ideas will come into his speech to convey them to someone else.  This is how names work in general.  From the external name and description of Chochmah of Adam Kadmon, the tangible light and revelation of Chochmah of Atzilut is revealed.  It is from the “thickening” of the internal light that the vessels of that light come about.  These vessels, in turn, become the “light” of the next level.  So, as in the above example of a customer placing an order with a craftsman, from the internal letters of the seminal idea in the mind of the customer, come the letters of thought in the customer’s mind, of the details of the object he wants.  Then, from those letters, come the letters of speech of the customer. This is when he orally “names” the object, such as saying “chair” or describes it to the craftsman, and as was stated above, to describe something is to name it. When the craftsman understands what the customer wants, this becomes his inner desire and his thought, speech and action, until at the end of the process, he crafts the actual object.

Now, when the customer goes to the craftsman and tells him to make a “table”, this is its external name.  On the other hand, when the concept and description of the “table” is in his mind, this is its internal name. We see that there are internal names and external names.

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