The Knowledge Of G-D – 1:60

From the above, we understood that the “vessels” come about from the “light”. It would, therefore, seem that the source of the lights is higher than the source of the vessels. This is because the vessels come about from the “thickening” of the light.  However, this is problematic.  It is clearly observable that when, G-d forbid, a person passes away, his soul departs but his body remains intact.  Now, if the vessels only exist as a result of the thickening of the lights, then how is it possible that the vessel could remain intact without the light? How could the body exist without a soul?

Furthermore, in order for there to be any “thickening”, there must be an original vessel, as in the example of the ice. If there is no original vessel to halt the fluidity of the water how could it freeze into ice?  Another example is that of a balloon.  When one blows air into a balloon, the air thickens due to the pressure of the walls of the balloon. This expands the balloon, giving it its form.  Now, if there was no original vessel of the balloon, how could there even be a thickening of the air to begin with?

It is, therefore, clear that the source of the vessels preceded the source of the lights, for it cannot be otherwise. If this were not so, then how could the vessels have the power to contain the lights? The container must be of a higher order than the thing contained. Furthermore, how would it be possible for the vessel to remain intact after the light is withdrawn?

That the source of the vessels precedes and is higher than the source of the lights, resolves several issues:

1)      Firstly, it gives us insight into how it is that the vessels have the capability and power to restrain the lights.

2)      Furthermore, it resolves the fact that the vessels have their own existence separate and apart from the lights. Therefore, they can remain intact even after the withdrawal of the light.

3)      Even more, it explains how there must be an original vessel in order to thicken the lights.

In conclusion, the vessels are independent of the lights. Nonetheless, they receive their form from them.  Therefore, what is meant when we say that the vessels come about from the “thickening” of the lights, is only that the vessels receive their form from the “thickening” of the lights. On the other hand, the actual substance of the vessel is independent of the light and is from a higher source than it. This may be understood from the example of a balloon. The balloon exist as a “formless substance” before the air is blown into it. Afterwards, when the air is blown into it, it takes on form. In the same way, the substance of the vessels exists before the light is contained within them, but it is the light which gives them form once it is invested within them.

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