The Knowledge Of G-D – 1:77

Before we continue to explain the enclothements of thought, speech and action, it must be understood that there are different types of thought, each of which exists on many levels. The first type is thought which is desire. The second type is analytical thought. In regard to the first type, a desire may also be called a thought.  For example, “He thought to do such and such”.  This is because desire becomes immediately enclothed in thought.  Therefore, the desire and the thought of the desire are as one.  Therefore, to say, “It arose in his desire” is the same as saying, “It arose in his thought” because this type of thought is still desire.

We can clearly observe that when a desire arises in the brain it may stimulate the nerves in the brain without becoming enclothed in analytical thought at all.  For example, when one moves his hand to pick something up, he does not need to think about it.  The desire goes immediately from the nerves of his brain to the action of moving his hand, without becoming enclothed in thought at all. Now, of course, there is thought here too. The thought here, though, are the letters particular to the desire. This thought is called, “The Hidden Thought of Arich Anpin” (“Machshava Stima’ah  D’Arich Anpin” or “Binah of Arich Anpin”).

This principle, that thought and desire are interchangeable, applies even to the highest levels.  This being the case, the “Primal desire” (Ratzon HaKadoom) of Adam Kadmon is often called “The Primal Thought” (Machshavah HaKedoomah) of Adam Kadmon, because it too becomes immediately enclothed in its letters. This principle even applies higher, in the essence itself, so that the “Simple essential desire” (Ratzon HaPashoot SheBaAtzmoot), mentioned earlier, can also be called “The simple essential thought” (Machshavah Pashoota SheBaAtzmoot).

All the above is the first type of thought, which may also be called a desire.  The second type of thought is the actual analytical and comprehensive thought in the brain of Binah.  This type of thought cannot be called a desire at all.  This will now be explained in greater detail.

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