Once, a Chassid bemoaned the fact that although he studies chassidut with great excitement and vigor when it comes time to pray all this excitement leaves him and he does not daven as he should:[1]
Reb Hillel of Paritch believed that this was a question that a Rebbe should answer and therefore told him: “Go to the Rebbe and he will direct you.”
However, the man insisted that Reb Hillel direct him, saying: “Does a person need to travel to a Rebbe for every trivial matter?”
On this Reb Hillel retorted: “If an individual does not have a kosher lulav, does he shake a broom?!”
When the chassid persisted and was adamant that Reb Hillel give him some direction, Reb Hillel finally said: “What does it bother you that you pray before the actual prayers?”
Reb Hillel was imparting to the individual that the purpose of the study of Chassidut and the purpose of prayer is one and the same—to enliven the person and inspire his heart to serve G-d. That being the case, he should not be particularly crestfallen, as he had indeed be inspired to serve G-d.
[1] Ramach Otiyot, Ot Ayin