Author: Editor

Earning a Kosher Livelihood 0

Earning a Kosher Livelihood

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   A simple soul once traveled to Rabbi Mordechai of Chernobyl. Before departing he explained to the Rabbi, how he rises early to buy merchandise from the farmers and returns home...

Miracles In Our Time

Miracles In Our Time

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   Holidays are not vacations, even though that’s included as well. Holy days, are special segments of time imbued with exceptional spiritual characteristics. These unique days are opportunities to strengthen ourselves in...

The Holy Fool 0

The Holy Fool

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   The bible commands us to build a sanctuary, so “I will dwell in them.” It doesn’t say, so I will dwell in it, but I will dwell in them. From...

A Happy Story 0

A Happy Story

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   One of the most successful tactics of the evil inclination inside each one of us, is to cause a person sadness and worse yet, depression. When one is tired and...

Strengthening Your Faith 0

Strengthening Your Faith

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   Logic, reason, and rational is never absolute. Even the strongest logical argument, with all kind of rational and scientific support, allows for an opposite point of view. So, when a...

Purim and Love 0

Purim and Love

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   In many books, it tells us that there is a deep connection between the Holiday of Yom Kippur – the day of Atonement and Purim – this Sunday March 20, 2011....

A Thought On Faith 0

A Thought On Faith

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   One of the basic foundations to living as an “honorable and virtuous” person is pronounced to us by the prophet Chabakuk, “A righteous man lives with his faith”. Also, there is...

Remembering The Sea 0

Remembering The Sea

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   In addition to the commandment, we must remember everyday the Exodus from Egypt, there is another commandment, to remember every day the splitting of the Reed Sea. The fact that everyone is commanded...