Author: Editor

Mind Over Heart 0

Mind Over Heart

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   The Holiday of Chanukah represents the victory of light over darkness. The philosophy of the Hellenists at that time (things haven’t changed much) was to dilute the purity of faith...

Enjoying Life 0

Enjoying Life

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   We were talking about anxiety. What brings it on and how to relieve ourselves of the stress, uneasiness and apprehension associated with high anxiety. If left unaddressed, ultimately this takes...

Do We Have Free Choice 0

Do We Have Free Choice

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   The question goes like this. If G-d is everywhere and everything is predestined, do people have any choice and/or influence in the end results? The answer to this question can...

The Power of Women 0

The Power of Women

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   Our sages tell us, “A man must love his wife at least as much as himself, but honor her more than himself.” “A man should eat and drink for himself,...

A Holy Lottery 0

A Holy Lottery

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   The jolly holiday of Purim on the 14th of Adar shares something very special with the holiest day on the Jewish calendar – Yom KiPurim, to the point, that our...

HaShem Is G-d 0

HaShem Is G-d

Adapted from a Chassidic discourse in the year 5657 Of Rabbi Shalom DovBerזצ”ל The fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe By Rabbi Amiram Markel   The Torah states, “You shall know this day and set it upon...

Humility, Faith & Arrogance 0

Humility, Faith & Arrogance

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   In the Jewish tradition, every Holiday has its own theme from which we draw that specific energy in our service to G-d for the entire year. For example Purim the...

Nature & Miracles 0

Nature & Miracles

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   The Czar once came to visit a group of soldiers, when suddenly one of them pointed his gun at the Czar. Instantly, a quick thinking and fast acting soldier, leaped...

True Love Is The Answer 0

True Love Is The Answer

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   When the Israelites left Egypt, in Hebrew, the Book, uses the plural tense to describe their departure from Egypt. “These are the trips, (in the plural tense) the children of...