Author: Editor

Winning The War 0

Winning The War

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   It’s a battle every day and some times it can become downright nasty. How do we, how can we, deal with it. Inside each one of us there is a G-dly...

How To Make Money 0

How To Make Money

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   “G-d will open for you his good treasury, the heavens, to give you rain for the ground in its proper times.” Rabbi Yochanan says, from the words “G-d, will open...

Restoring Our Relationship With G-d 0

Restoring Our Relationship With G-d

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   King Solomon teaches, there is a season for everything. The season for each matter is the greatest and most opportune moment for that particular matter. These days, when G-ds infinite...

A Fresh Start 0

A Fresh Start

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   On the 10th of Tishrei we observe the biblical fast day of Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement. We proclaim the mighty holiness of this day, for it is...

The Ultimate Reward 0

The Ultimate Reward

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   As we get close to the end of all the holidays in this month, and the end of the yearly cycle of Torah reading, I would like to talk about...

The Gate of Unity – Chapter 22 0

The Gate of Unity – Chapter 22

ומעתה יש להבין בפרטי התכללות דע”ס דאצי’ We must now understand the particular inter-inclusions of the ten sefirot of [the world of] Atzilut (Emanation). ותחלה יש לבאר ענין פרטי התחלקות הספי’ לי’ וי’ לי’...

The Gate of Unity – Chapter 23 0

The Gate of Unity – Chapter 23

והנה בפרטיות בחי’ הכתר, איך שהוא בחי’ ממוצע [We must] now [understand] the aspect of Keter [more] particularly, [to understand] how it is the aspect of an intermediary. ויש בו מבחי’ האחרונה שבמאציל, והוא...

The Gate of Unity – Chapter 24 0

The Gate of Unity – Chapter 24

והנמשל מכל הנ”ל למשכיל למעלה יובן Now, to one who contemplates [how things are] above, the analogue for all that has been previously stated will be understood. איך שבחי’ עצמות התענוג הפשוט שבעצמות אא”ס...