Author: Editor

The Gate of Unity – Chapter 54 0

The Gate of Unity – Chapter 54

ולהבין דרך פרט בהשתלשלות דאזלעו”ז כו’ בע”ס דקליפה דאבי”ע כו’ הנה יש להקדים בשרש בחי’ הקליפה מהו Now, in order to understand the chaining down of the “opposite side” in a detailed manner etc, in...

Is It Really All For The Good? 0

Is It Really All For The Good?

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   The Talmud teaches, “A person is obligated to bless and acknowledge G-d over the bad and misfortune just as he blesses and praises G-d over the good.”  In the same way...

An Insight Into Prayer 0

An Insight Into Prayer

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   Rabbi Sholom Dov Ber was once sitting together with his followers when one of them decided to make a toast. “May the merit of the holy Rabbi Shnuer Zalman protect...

Working Hard or Easy? 0

Working Hard or Easy?

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   Sarah passes on and her husband Abraham is looking for a burial site to fulfill his obligation to bury his wife. Abraham decides he would like to buy land in...

Tests and Hardships 0

Tests and Hardships

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   “For G-d your G-d is testing you to know whether you do in fact love G-d your G-d with all your heart and with all your soul.” Tests are given...

The Number 8, Moshiach and Oil 0

The Number 8, Moshiach and Oil

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   The Torah-Bible informs us that G-d created the world in six days and ceased working on the seventh, the Sabbath. The number six can thus be said to represent the...

Dreams, Joy, Prophecy and Music 0

Dreams, Joy, Prophecy and Music

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   All of the Torah (the Bible) – has been presented by G-d to the world for it to be an eternal lesson of G-dly wisdom for all people in all...

A Blessing With a Capital B 0

A Blessing With a Capital B

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   “Never take lightly the blessing of a simpleton in your eyes.” You really never know the power in the soul of another individual. Besides, at that moment it may very...