Parshat Bechukosai – I Will Make the Land Desolate
An interesting prediction embedded in the curses of this week’s parsha.
The Center For Jewish Thought
An interesting prediction embedded in the curses of this week’s parsha.
The physical blessings expressed in the Parasha.
What Sh’mita teaches us about trusting in G-d.
The fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn, would not allow people to speak to him when he was washing his hands for a meal. Although according to the strict legal parameters, only speech...
In a handwritten ledger of one of the chassidim of the third Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch, a statement of the first Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi is found:[1] “This...
Once, the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, recalled the following about his predecessor, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch:[1] Chassidim were wont to say that the Rebbe is more frightened from thunder—though he...
Rabbi Dovid Markel This week’s Parshas Emor opens with the words, “And the Lord said to Moshe: Speak to the kohanim, the sons of Aharon, and say to them: Let none [of you]...
By Rabbi Dovid Markel Giving charity is the hallmark of the Jewish people. In fact, Rambam, in his laws of charity (10:1), states that we are to be careful in charity more than...
By Shalom Olensky This week in the Torah: On the eighth day of the Sanctuary’s dedication, the Divine Presence was revealed, and dwelled, therein. A Jewish Tradition: “A year in which “The Eighth”...
By Shalom Olensky This week in the Torah: First, the laws of the spiritual impurity which caused leprosy in Biblical times. Second, the laws of purifying the leper, freeing him from the affliction...