Author: Editor

Parshas Kedoshim – Be Holy 0

Parshas Kedoshim – Be Holy

By Rabbi Dovid Markel   The second parsha in the group of parshios read this Shabbos is Kedoshim. The portion begins with the appeal that the Israelites be a holy people. The verse (Vayikra...

The Age of the Universe 0

The Age of the Universe

By Rabbi Dovid Markel   I recently read an article from an individual on the cultural divide between Rambam’s rationalism and what he termed as Ashkenazi anti-rationalism. The individual who penned the article used...

Sefira & 28 Nissan 0

Sefira & 28 Nissan

By Rabbi Dovid Markel   The verse (Vayikra, 23:15) states: “And you shall count for yourselves, from the morrow of the rest day from the day you bring the omer as a wave offering...

The Disclaimer 0

The Disclaimer

The famed chossid, Rabbi Yisroel Jacobson, recounted the following story: On the eighteenth of Elul, 5702, the (Previous) Rebbe spoke of a letter that he had received. In the letter, someone asked how it...

Memory Technique 0

Memory Technique

Once, a chossid of Rabbi Mendel of Kotzk complained to his Rebbe that he did not remember his learning. Reb Mendel responded: “A clear technique for remembering your studies is written in the Torah (Bamidbar 15:39-40),...