Author: Editor

Seeing the Truth 0

Seeing the Truth

Once, the first Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, discussed a certain responsa of Rabbi Meir of Rothenberg with one of his disciples who was known to be a brilliant scholar.  In this...

Between Heaven and Hell 0

Between Heaven and Hell

The first Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman once said the following[1]: “The supernal chamber of wealth is situated between  Heaven and Hell. The chamber has two doors, one to the Garden of Eden and...

No Alternative 0

No Alternative

The essential idea of trust in G-d is when the one who trusts sees no manner that he can be saved and nevertheless puts his trust solely in G-d. The strengthening of trust is...

Help Your Fellow 0

Help Your Fellow

When unfortunately, something bad happens to an individual , concerning his children, health or livelihood, he must have faith that he deserves what occurred to him and trust that G-d will help him. However,...

Don’t Trust 0

Don’t Trust

The Bal Shem Tov once said: The commandment that one must have the trait of Bitachon (absolute trust in G-d) is only on one’s self. When some misfortune befalls man, he must, according to...

A Biblical Commandment 0

A Biblical Commandment

In the eyes of chassidim, being happy and seeing the positive in every situation is considered as if it were a biblical commandment. (Additions to Keser Shem Tov, 169)

Love and Recognize 0

Love and Recognize

Every single Jew has a boundless love for G-d. This is evident in this that every Jew is willing to die for the sanctification of G-d’s name. Every single Jew internally recognizes that there...