Author: Editor

An Overview of Kashrus 0

An Overview of Kashrus

By Leibel Estrin   In Vayikra 11:9, the Torah presents the signs of kosher animals, birds, fish, and insects, and permits or prohibits various species of animals. The Torah also has many other laws...

Parshas Vayechi – Torah and Life 0

Parshas Vayechi – Torah and Life

By Rabbi Dovid Markel   This week’s parsha begins with the words (Bereishis, 47:28), “And Yaakov lived in the land of Egypt for seventeen years.” The Medrash (Bereishis Rabba, 96:1) explains that these years...

The Mezuzah 0

The Mezuzah

By Leibel Estrin   It is the custom of a king’s palace to have guards at every gate. The guards serve two functions: they publicize the importance of the location, and protect the contents...

The Study of Torah - Estrin 0

The Study of Torah

By Leibel Estrin   In Devorim (5:10), the Torah commands us to “Learn them and safeguard them so that you will be able to do them.” Without learning, it’s impossible to know what to...

Rashi - Sage advice 1

Sage Advice

By Leibel Estrin   Many years ago, two elderly widowers were speaking. “I don’t understand something,” one of the old men began. “Both of us loved and lost our wives. But I am inconsolable...