Author: Editor

The Value of a Mitzvah 0

The Value of a Mitzvah

By Leibel Estrin   Once upon a time, two souls met each other at a crossroads. One was going to Heaven, the other was going to a body on Earth. “Tell me,” the Neshoma on his...

The Voice of Yaakov 0

The Voice of Yaakov

By Rabbi Dovid Markel   When Yitzchak desired to bless his son Esav, Yaakov cunningly took his place. Suspecting that the individual before him may not have indeed been Esav, Yitzchak asked his son...

The Essence of Torah 0

The Essence of Torah

By Leibel Estrin   The word “Torah” is related to the Hebrew word horaah, which means “instruction.” It teaches us how to live in a holy way. The Torah consists of five “books.” Beraishis...

In_Pursuit 0

In Pursuit

Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz once saw his students worried. Upon asking them the reason, they responded: “We are worried because our evil inclination is in pursuit of us.” The Rebbe responded: “I see that...

No More Rebbe 0

No More Rebbe

After the passing of Rabbi Yehudah Tzvi of Setrin, the elder chassidim refused to accept the leadership of his son, Rabbi Avraham, saying, “The face of Moshe was like the sun, while his student,...

Not A Sin 0

Not A Sin

Rabbi Aharon of Karlin said: “Depression is not a sin, yet it is the root of all sin. Happiness is not a mitzvah but it is the root of all mitzvos and eternal life.”

After Life 0

After Life

By Leibel Estrin   The stereotypical view of Heaven is a pleasure palace, a reward that is not related to the behavior that caused it. Judaism looks at the Olam HaEmes (the World of...