Parshas Matos – Megaleh Amukos
By Rabbi David Sterne We honor and respect our Jewish forefathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) for a number of reasons. The main one, of course, is that they figured out the Torah even...
The Center For Jewish Thought
By Rabbi David Sterne We honor and respect our Jewish forefathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) for a number of reasons. The main one, of course, is that they figured out the Torah even...
Pinchas and Prayer
The difference between Avraham and Bilaam
One Friday, the Tzemach Tzedek (Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the third Chabad Rebbe) exclaimed that Moshiach should finally come. A bystander commented: Does not the Talmud[1] state that Moshiach cannot come on Friday, before...
A fabrengen about Gimmel Tamuz from Rabbi Akiva Wagner.
A kabbalistic understanding of the red-heifer.
The difference between a Jewish king and his secular counterpart.
The leader of the generation is like the entire generation, for the leader is everything.
The Logic of mitzvos and beyond.
A deeper dimension of Korach’s revolt.