Author: Editor

The Struggle Called Life 0

The Struggle Called Life

By Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   Rabbi Shneur Zalman in his seminal book the Holy Tanya begins chapter 35 with a very powerful and relevant questions for most of us. A question that many of...

Mezuzah Placement 0

Mezuzah Placement

By Rabbi Chaim Chazzan   The halachos of mezuzah placement are numerous and complex and unfortunately many homes have the mezuzos placed incorrectly, causing them to be invalid[1]. For this reason it has been...

Vending machines 0

Vending machines

By Rabbi Chaim Chazzan   A person deposited money into a vending machine that malfunctioned swallowing the money and not providing the service expected. Later another person banged the machine and the money that...