The Tower and Love
What my parents rebuke taught me about parenting.
The Center For Jewish Thought
What my parents rebuke taught me about parenting.
Parshas Noach – Tomim Haya B’Dorosav
Noach the raven and the dove.
The key to Jewish survival.
In HaShem’s presence .
By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui What does performing what appears to be insignificant commandments, have to do with G-d going out of His way, for us? Why is it written, that because we go out...
By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui The Bible says. “If a prophet will arise from among you, or a person who has a vision in his dream, and he indicates to you a sign (in the...
By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui The Bible says, “You should not move back your neighbor’s boundary” marker, to commit territorial fraud, by encroaching and stealing from his territory. In the broader sense this commandment includes...
By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui A human being is generally divided into three parts. The head, body and legs. These three parts represent three distinct ways we go about our lives and we fulfill our...
Showing gratitude to HaShem.