The Knowledge Of G-D – 1:14
In order to understand the transition from Kadmon to the beginning of actualization, we must return to the microcosm, the human being. In order for an intention to come out into actuality from the...
The Center For Jewish Thought
In order to understand the transition from Kadmon to the beginning of actualization, we must return to the microcosm, the human being. In order for an intention to come out into actuality from the...
Now that we have understood the need for restraint for a human being to bring out an action, we may likewise discern the matter of restraint above, in the Infinite Light. In order for...
From the above, we understand that a central point, which contains an impression of the essential light of the soul remains. In the analogy of the teacher-student relationship, it is from this impression, this...
From the above, we understood that following Tzimtzum there remained a point which contained an impression of the entire Infinite Light, in a hidden way, and that it is similar to a blueprint. The...
The Kav V’Chut-Line and Thread, which is the next stage in the creation process is the exact opposite of what preceded it. Whereas the Reshimu (Impression) is a complete withdrawal into a point, in...
However, before there can be any actual revelation, there must first be a determination as to how long the Line and Thread should be. In the teacher-student relationship the line of explanation is what...
From the above, we see three general abilities in G-dliness. 1. The Ohr Ein Sof (The Infinite Light) represents the general ability for infinite Divine revelation. 2. The Tzimtzum and Reshimu (Restraint and Impression)...
These three abilities correspond to the three Divine attributes which are mentioned three time daily in the first blessing of the Amidah prayer; HaGadol, HaGibor V’HaNorah (The Great, The Mighty and The Awesome) “The...
Before we continue explaining the creation process we must first introduce the concept of the Sefirot. Everything in existence contains certain qualities that give it characteristics which distinguish it from others. Every person possesses...
The first set of Sefirot is called The Three Upper Sefirot. This is because they correspond to the intellectual faculties. They are also called Mochin (Brains). They are: 1) Keter (Crown), which corresponds to...