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The Knowledge Of G-D – 2:8 0

The Knowledge Of G-D – 2:8

From the above it is understood, that the aspect of Da’at, (Concentration), is only a vehicle and vessel for the aspect of Binah (Analytical Comprehension). As mentioned above, the intellectual faculty of Da’at is...

The Knowledge Of G-D – 2:9 0

The Knowledge Of G-D – 2:9

From the above it is clear that the order of deep contemplative meditation is as follow; There must be an initial Da’at which is the focus and concentration of the mind on the subject...

The Knowledge Of G-D – 2:10 0

The Knowledge Of G-D – 2:10

Before we continue explaining the various levels of understanding one may attain, we must first preface with an understanding of the faculty of Chochmah. As mentioned earlier, Chochmah is compared to a spring, from...

The Knowledge Of G-D – 2:11 0

The Knowledge Of G-D – 2:11

From the above, we understand that there are different depths within the intellect, such as the depth and source of Chochmah (Insight) and the depth and source of Binah (Comprehension). This clarifies the statement...

The Knowledge Of G-D – 2:12 0

The Knowledge Of G-D – 2:12

There are two general levels in Binah. These are Binah and Tvunah. Binah is the aspect of analysis and comprehension.  In contrast, Tvunah is the aspect of the extension of the light of comprehension....

The Knowledge Of G-D – 2:14 0

The Knowledge Of G-D – 2:14

It is clear from all the above, that it is specifically the faculty of Binah (Analysis and comprehension), which arouses and enlivens all the other faculties. When one analyzes a subject greatly, he will...

The Knowledge Of G-D – 2:15 0

The Knowledge Of G-D – 2:15

Thus far we have discussed what Hitbonenut is and have given the material which one is to contemplate.  One question remains, perhaps the most important question of all.  What is the purpose of Hitbonenut?...

The Knowledge Of G-D – 3:2 0

The Knowledge Of G-D – 3:2

The first category of “service” cannot be considered to be a level in Divine service at all.  Unfortunately, most people fall into this category and it must therefore be discussed in order to dispel...