Author: Editor

On Divine Inspiration – Chapter 11 0

On Divine Inspiration – Chapter 11

Now, the second level, which is above this, is the above mentioned matter of listening from afar. He specifically listens to and contemplates G_dliness and understands it well, until he realizes the truth of...

On Divine Inspiration – Chapter 13 0

On Divine Inspiration – Chapter 13

Now, the fourth, higher level is that due to his Divine contemplation, in which his intellect becomes very excited, this brings about an immediate and spontaneous emotional excitement in his heart, in an aspect...

On Divine Inspiration – Chapter 15 0

On Divine Inspiration – Chapter 15

From all the above, the particulars and categories of this general principle are clearly understood. This is the excitement of the mind and heart which, foremost, is specifically the product of preparation; this being...

On Divine Inspiration – Chapter 16 0

On Divine Inspiration – Chapter 16

However, all five levels mentioned above are levels of the “Intellectual Soul” which is called “The Natural, Vivifying Soul”, in that it too must agree and acknowledge, with acknowledgement and excitement of the mind...

On Divine Inspiration – Chapter 18 0

On Divine Inspiration – Chapter 18

However, we must first understand the fundamental difference between Divine excitement that stems from the Divine soul and the excitement of the intellectual, natural soul in the brain and heart. At first glance, what...