Between Kotzk and Lubavitch 0

Between Kotzk and Lubavitch

By Rabbi Dovid Markel   A focal difference between Kotzk and Lubavitch is that while Kotzk searches for truth, Chabad learns and becomes permeated by the truth that has already been found. Interestingly, when...

Rebbe-Nu 0

Become the Rebbe

We need to cease defining ourselves with superficial definitions that conceal our true identity and embrace the vision that the Rebbe desires of us.

Socrates and Avraham 0

Socrates and Avraham

The Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi once said: when Socrates died and came to the heavenly tribunal he requested that he be given a seat next to Avraham, our forefather. His claim...

My Relative, Israel 0

My Relative, Israel

The Jerusalem Talmud (Berachos Ch. 9) describes the love that G-d has for the Jewish People, using the following formula: “When an individual of flesh and blood has a relative who is a philosopher,...

Don’t Interrupt 0

Don’t Interrupt

The fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn, would not allow people to speak to him when he was washing his hands for a meal. Although according to the strict legal parameters, only speech...