The Bitter Truth 0

The Bitter Truth

In one of the talks of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitchak Schneersohn, he once repeated an exchange that took place between the holy chossid, Reb Michale Apotzker and his student, Reb Shmuel...

Help to Forget 0

Help to Forget

When the holy chassid, Reb Michael Apotzker was a young man, he studied various works of Jewish Philosophy. Many years later, after he became a chossid, he regretted learning these works. He complained to...

Slay the Dragon 0

Slay the Dragon

A thought about prayer:[1] The Zohar (Tikunei Zohar 13) states: “Rabbi Shimon opened: The heavens are preparing for war against this serpent who resides in the great mountains. He killed the first man and...

A Cycle of Love 0

A Cycle of Love

An Interesting thought from Reb Tzadok: When you love Israel, Israel loves you back. When you love the Torah, the Torah loves you back. Both of them reveal to their lover, their deepest secrets[1]....

Chassidus During Work 0

Chassidus During Work

The great chossid, Reb Binyomen Kletzker, was called thus because he worked in the sale of logs (the Yiddish word for log being “klotz”). Once, when he was attending to a shipment at the banks...

Haughtiness and Accomplishment 0

Haughtiness and Accomplishment

The following is a thought from Reb Tzadok of Lublin on the subject of humility. He expresses that haughtiness is actually an expression of lack of accomplishment, as opposed to the other way around[1]....

ladder_Ascent and Descent 0

Descent and Ascent

The following is a thought from Reb Tzadok of Lublin, expressing the idea that an individual’s low spiritual state actually prompts him toward spiritual growth[1].     The moments of descent found within an...

A Perfect Quote 0

A Perfect Quote

Reb Yale Kahn, the chief recorder of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s thoughts, once repeated a story that exemplifies the Rebbe’s memory and his intimate knowledge of the works of Reb Tzadok of Lublin. “Once,” said...

Fear of Heaven 0

Fear of Heaven

When Rabbi Yosef Rosen, the famed Rogitzover Gaon, was 17 years old, he travelled around “to see if the world knew how to learn at all.” One of his stops was in Lublin, and...

Reb Tzadok and the Toras Chessed 0

Reb Tzadok and the Toras Chessed

The famous Lubavitcher gaon, Rabbi Shneur Zalman Fradkin, commonly referred to as the “Toras Chessed” after his famous work, was a close friend of Reb Tzadok of Lublin, who served alongside him as Rabbi...