Darkness and Light 0

Darkness and Light

Before daybreak, the darkness of the night is especially dark, due to the impending light. So too, the tremendous darkness that we are presently in, in this exile—with all its incredible hardships—is a preparation...

Four Extra Years 0

Four Extra Years

A chossid of the third Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch, managed an inn that he would rent from the local landowner. Each year, he would renew the lease and pay the ten...

Enough is Enough 0

Enough is Enough

The Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yizchak Schneersohn, once declared: “If the Jewish people collectively—young and old—would say: Father! It’s enough already! Have mercy on us and send us our redeemer—it is a sure...

Souls and Train Stations 0

Souls and Train Stations

The Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, once described a scene from a train station to describe the nightly spiritual journey of the soul:[1] “At night, when the train station is dark and...

A Tale of Two Songs 0

A Tale of Two Songs

Chassidim were wont to say: “What is the difference between a regular song and a Chassidic niggun? A regular song expresses that the individual is in the mud and is joyfully frolicking in it....

The Key 0

The Key

Every lock has its own key. A locksmith though has a tool that can open any lock—this is a Chassidic niggun (song). (Sicha, Noach, 5706)

The Power of Song 0

The Power of Song

It is in the power of a Chassidic niggun to disengage oneself from the lowest pits of mud. (Sicha, 12 Tamuz, 5706)

Healthy Imagination 0

Healthy Imagination

The power of imaginative thought is one of the most important faculties of the soul. It can help elevate a person to great levels in his service and understanding of G-d. The Rebbes of...

Good Character Traits 0

Good Character Traits

The Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, once shared an episode from his youth: When he was seven years old, his mother gave him some watermelon to eat as a snack. Upon going...

Purim_Celebration_Don't_Forget_Yourself 0

Don’t Forget Yourself

The Talmud (Pesachim 68b) states, “R. Yosef said: All agree that on Purim we require ‘for you’ too. What is the reason? Days of feasting and gladness is written in connection therewith.” Though the...