Help Your Fellow 0

Help Your Fellow

When unfortunately, something bad happens to an individual , concerning his children, health or livelihood, he must have faith that he deserves what occurred to him and trust that G-d will help him. However,...

Don’t Trust 0

Don’t Trust

The Bal Shem Tov once said: The commandment that one must have the trait of Bitachon (absolute trust in G-d) is only on one’s self. When some misfortune befalls man, he must, according to...

Equanimity 0


Anything that happens to man—good or bad—should be viewed with complete equanimity. Whether he is praised or denigrated; whether he eats delicacies or a simple repast, it should all be the same in his...

The Master Key 0

The Master Key

Once, at a chassidic gathering, the 5th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom Dovber, said the following: In Heaven, one may not enter the heavenly chambers unless one is deserving; if one isn’t they cannot enter....

Simplicity vs. Intellect 0

Simplicity vs. Intellect

An excerpt from a letter of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn: A great intellectual who relies on his own intellect is more susceptible to error than an individual who does everything...

The Purpose 0

The Purpose

The 5th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom Dovber of Lubavitch once said: The primary intent of service of G-d is to set one’s self aside and accept the yoke of Heaven; to subject one’s senses...

A Ball of Joy 0

A Ball of Joy

An idiom from early chassidim: “a chossid is a ball of joy and a ball of fire!” (Sefer HaSichosm 5703, Pg. 6)

Parshas Terumah – Above Nature 0

Parshas Terumah – Above Nature

By Rabbi Akiva Wagner   R’ Getzel Rubashkin was a chassidishe Yid, who displayed mesirus nefesh in Russia to uphold the torch of Yiddishkeit. When he came to America he continued to be a...

A Biblical Commandment 0

A Biblical Commandment

In the eyes of chassidim, being happy and seeing the positive in every situation is considered as if it were a biblical commandment. (Additions to Keser Shem Tov, 169)