TwoEyes_TwoGoals 0

Two Eyes, Two Goals

When the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn was a child, he once asked his father the following: “Why is it that G-d created man with two eyes? Wouldn’t man have sufficed with...

Senseless Love 0

Senseless Love

The Talmud (Yuma 9b) states that the Second Temple was destroyed due to senseless hatred.  Meaning to say, that they hated for no reason whatsoever; not for holy reasons and even contrary to basic...

Beloved and Dear 0

Beloved and Dear

In a letter from the “Alter Rebbe,” Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, he writes (Iggeres HaKodesh, 22): “Therefore, my beloved and dear ones: I beg of you to make an effort with all the...

Beautiful or Alive? 0

Beautiful or Alive?

In the year 5618 (1858), Rabbi Shmuel of Lubavitch traveled from Russia to Italy and Germany. While the official reason for his journey was for the sake of his health, the true reason for...

A Half That is the Whole 0

A Half That is the Whole

Once, when the fourth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Shmuel of Lubavitch, was in Petersburg to convene on communal matters, he met Rabbi Yisroel Salanter. Rabbi Yisroel, was the founder of the modern mussar (Jewish ethics)...

Don’t Laugh 0

Don’t Laugh

Once, a chossid who was a big philanthropist made a resolution during his nightly recitation of the Shema, that for every lie that he would say, he would give twenty five rubles to charity. When...

Enlivening Souls 0

Enlivening Souls

Once, a group of chassidim of Rabbi DovBer of Lubavitch, the Mittler Rebbe, were sitting at a Chassidic gathering. Suddenly, Reb Michael the Melamed burst into uncontrollable tears. He beat his chest and head...

At Least You’re Embarrassed 0

At Least You’re Embarrassed

The great chossid Rabbi Hillel of Paritch was accustomed to traveling to various towns and townlets and inspiring the chassidim there to pray at length. The words of Rabbi Hillel were effective, and indeed...

Handicapped Angels 0

Handicapped Angels

By Rabbi Dovid Markel   The Mishna in Pirkei Avot states (4:11): “Rabbi Eliezer the son of Yaakov would say: ‘He who fulfills one mitzvah, acquires for himself one angel-advocate; he who commits one...

Yaakov’s Ladder 0

Yaakov’s Ladder

By Rabbi Dovid Markel   The Torah (Bereishis, 28:12) describes Yaakov’s dream in the following manner: “And he dreamed, and behold! A ladder set up on the ground and its top reached to heaven;...