Proper Intent 0

Proper Intent

In a certain town in Europe of old lived a certain Jew, who was both a Torah scholar and G-d fearing, who did the mitzvah of hosting wayfarers in an exemplary fashion. He had...

Raise_Yourself_Up 0

Raise Yourself Up

When the 5th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom Dovber, was a child, he played with his older brother, Reb Zalman Aharon (Raza). During the course of their antics, Reb Zalman Aharon dug a pit and...

KriasShemaAndShoes 0

Krias Shema and Shoes

The Mashpia (Chassidic mentor) in Tomchei Temim was Reb Michoel Bliner, generally referred to as Reb Michoel der Alter (the elder). The following[1] is a story that is expressive of his personality: Once, when...

Chasing Pleasure 0

Chasing Pleasure

The great chossid Rabbi Hillel of Paritch would frequently say: “Were those people that chase after the indulgences of life to know about true Chassidic prayer, they would drop all of their pleasures and...

Appreciating a Mitzvah 0

Appreciating a Mitzvah

There was once a student of the famed Lubavitcher Yeshiva, Tomchei Temim, by the name of Zalman Dovid Homliner. Zalman Dovid passed away while still a young man, due to his intense service of...

Now It Says Echad 0

Now It Says Echad

By Rabbi Dovid Markel   Once, there was a Chassidic gathering at the home of Rabbi Shmuel Betzalel Sheftel (Rashbatz). At a certain point during the gathering, the food that had been prepared ran...

Fire In Ice 0

Fire In Ice

By Rabbi Dovid Markel   The story is told[1] about the Bal Shem Tov, that once in the middle of the night in the dead of the winter, the Bal Shem Tov told his...

Depression and Idolatry 0

Depression and Idolatry

Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk[1] writes in a list of advice to his followers: “Be very careful from depression and only serve G-d with joy. For sadness is akin to idolatry as it is...