Blessing In Doing 0

Blessing In Doing

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui   A human being is generally divided into three parts. The head, body and legs. These three parts represent three distinct ways we go about our lives and we fulfill our...

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Elul – The King Is In The Field

By Rabbi Akiva Wagner   Rabbi Reuven Dunin of blessed memory was a one-of-a-kind Chassid, shliach, and mashpia (chassidic mentor)—Someone  truly unique. He made his first acquaintance with Chabad when he walked into the study hall...

Traveling To The Rebbe 0

Traveling To The Rebbe

By Rabbi Akiva Wagner   Rabbi Yossi Zaltzman, shliach of the Rebbe to the Russian Jews of Toronto, shared the following story about his grandfather, R’ Avrohom Zaltzman, at a recent farbrengen: R’ Avremel...

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Parshat Shoftim – A Little Less Worldly

By Rabbi Akiva Wagner   The following story I once read in the sefer “Likuttei Sipurim” of Rabbi Mottel Perlow. However, some time has passed since then, and my sefer has since disappeared, so...

The Purpose of Prayer 0

The Purpose of Prayer

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui The couple came in to see the great Tzadik – holy spiritual person, to ask for a blessing to have children, and he told them, he was not able to grant...

Worry Less 0

Worry Less

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui “And you shall know today and place it in your heart that G-d is G-d in the heavens above and on the ground below, there is none other.” Deut. 4, 39....

Getting Out of The Dark 0

Getting Out of The Dark

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui From the time of creation, G-d intended that we should be persecuted and sent into exile. Right from the beginning of the bible, the four major exiles are already indicated, and...

More Power Than You Think 0

More Power Than You Think

By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui Our sages exhort us to, “Know what is above us. An eye that sees, an ear that listens, and all your deeds are recorded.” Can you imagine if everyone always remembered...