The Study of Torah
By Leibel Estrin In Devorim (5:10), the Torah commands us to “Learn them and safeguard them so that you will be able to do them.” Without learning, it’s impossible to know what to...
The Center For Jewish Thought
By Leibel Estrin In Devorim (5:10), the Torah commands us to “Learn them and safeguard them so that you will be able to do them.” Without learning, it’s impossible to know what to...
The proper manner to study secular studies.
By Leibel Estrin The Hebrew word for prayer, tefila, is related to the word, p’lillim, means to “judge oneself.” Prayer helps us work on ourselves so that we can become better people. At...
By Leibel Estrin Some women feel that not having as many opportunities to fulfill G-d’s commandments is represents some sort of discrimination. Perhaps it does, but not in the way they think. Throughout...
Can a person pray to G-d for the death of an individual who is going through immense suffering?
By Leibel Estrin The term mitzvah means “Commandment.” However, the word is connected to the phrase ‘tzavtza v’chibur, which means “Connecting and joining.” A mitzvah connects the One who commands (G-d) with the...
By Leibel Estrin The word “Torah” is related to the Hebrew word horaah, which means “instruction.” It teaches us how to live in a holy way. The Torah consists of five “books.” Beraishis...
By Leibel Estrin The stereotypical view of Heaven is a pleasure palace, a reward that is not related to the behavior that caused it. Judaism looks at the Olam HaEmes (the World of...
By Leibel Estrin When many people think of “Free Will,” they assume it means the ability to act without constraints or consequences. Unfortunately, that definition causes people to feel that they have the...
By Leibel Estrin Jewish philosophy looks at creation in terms of four categories. From the bottom up, the four categories are domem “inanimate,” tzomeach “growing,” chai “living” (i.e., animal life), and m’daber “one...