The Knowledge Of G-D – 3:10
Now, the result of the fourth level, mentioned above, is that one has a great longing and yearning to withdraw from the limitations of his body and the world and to transcend physicality by...
The Center For Jewish Thought
Now, the result of the fourth level, mentioned above, is that one has a great longing and yearning to withdraw from the limitations of his body and the world and to transcend physicality by...
From all the above we understand that there are five general levels of the arousal of the mind and heart which result from the Hitbonenut-contemplation of G-dliness. These correspond to the five levels of...
All the above levels are levels of the natural, animal soul, in that it too must be sublimated to G-d. This is called, “One who serves G-d with his body”, as compared to “One...
From the above it is clear that there are three general levels of comprehension of G-dliness and that there are three ways of excitement and arousal which result from comprehension: 1) The first level...
1) The first level of excitement is the arousal of the Divine soul as it is invested within the animal soul. This is called the “external man” of the “Tzelem Adam (The form of...
We will now explain the various levels of the Divine soul. The lowest level of the Divine soul is similar to the level mentioned earlier in the animal soul of one who does not...
1) The first level, the Nefesh of the Divine soul, is the natural pull and love for the commandments of G-d, and the natural disdain for evil and any breach of the negative commandments. ...
Now, it is specifically the unification of the NeHi”Y of Chochmah with the NeHi”Y of Binah which gives rise to actual heartfelt emotions that are rooted in reason. This is to say that it is specifically through the unification of the “Resolve”...
The third level of the intellect has two aspects. Firstly, it determines how to bring the intellectual influence out, as explained before. Secondly, it represents the matter of strong mindedness, as follows: The Zohar calls the sefirot Netzach and Hod, “the...
Now, the second level of the intellect constitutes the emotions of Chochmah and the emotions of Binah. In Binah this is intellect in a way of comprehendible terms and reasoning, which lean either toward kindness or sternness. In Chochmah it is the power...