Parshas Bamidbar – A Successful Relationship
Parshas Bamidbar teaches us the secret to successful relationships.
The Center For Jewish Thought
Parshas Bamidbar teaches us the secret to successful relationships.
A lesson about the separation of Challa and recognizing G-d.
A powerful lesson on the essence of prayer.
By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui One of the commandments in the Bible, is to observe the Sabbatical year as, a “Sabbath unto G-d”. In Israel, every seventh year (the next one is in three years), we...
The ideal strategy for dealing with our negative behaviors and habits.
A lesson in overcoming challenges and overwhelming odds.
Fire, water and conflict
This week’s parsha teaches us an important educational lesson.
Hillel said that not doing something hateful to our fellow is the essence of the Torah. But, how is that possible?
An expose on the miracle of birth through the lens of Torah.