Parshas Shelach – Do You Worship Idols?
A lesson about the separation of Challa and recognizing G-d.
The Center For Jewish Thought
A lesson about the separation of Challa and recognizing G-d.
A powerful lesson on the essence of prayer.
The ideal strategy for dealing with our negative behaviors and habits.
A lesson in overcoming challenges and overwhelming odds.
Fire, water and conflict
This week’s parsha teaches us an important educational lesson.
Hillel said that not doing something hateful to our fellow is the essence of the Torah. But, how is that possible?
When one only yearns for G-d but doesn’t act on it to return to G-d with a subjugation of his ego, there is a fallout of spiritual Tzara’at.
Though Tzara’at is often thought of as a terrible malady it served a tremendously positive purpose.
The opening verse of this Parsha begins “And it was on the eighth day.” The Keli Yakar explains this curious description.