The Gate of Unity – Chapter 34 Intro – Section 8
From all of the above we now clearly see that there are three general states in the development of the heartfelt emotions until they reach their most complete state with the full investment of...
The Center For Jewish Thought
From all of the above we now clearly see that there are three general states in the development of the heartfelt emotions until they reach their most complete state with the full investment of...
By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui The Bible begins with the words, “in the beginning G-d created the heavens and the earth.” Rabbi Yitzchak says, “As a book of rules it would have been more fitting...
By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui Are you searching for,” the truth?” What is, the truth? People innately and instinctively search for truth. Most people never discover truth for many reasons, all the while craving and...
By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson once said, “The first step to serving G-d is, not to do what one feels like doing.” The Talmud says, scholars would push themselves to eat later...
והנה בבחי’ ז”א דאצי’ יש ב’ מדריגות הנק’ ישראל ויעקב כידוע Now, in the aspect of Zeir Anpin of [the world of] Atzilut (Emanation) there are two levels, which are called Yisrael (Israel) and...
וזהו בחי’ ישראל, שר אל, דהיינו על ידי הארת הכתר בחכמה שנק’ אל נהירו דחכמתא This, then, is the aspect of Yisrael (ישראל), i.e. “Sar E-l – The Ruler of E-l” (שר אל).[1] In...
והנה כתיב אלה תולדות יעקב יוסף Now, it is written,[1] “These are the offspring of Yaakov; Yosef”. שהוא בחי’ יסוד, בחי’ צדיק עליון כו’ [Yosef] is the aspect of Yesod,[2] which is the aspect...
ומעתה יש להבין בענין יחוד דישראל ויעקב בלאה ורחל. We must now understand the matter of the unifications of Yisrael and Yaakov with Leah and Rachel.[1] וביאור ענין לאה ורחל ידוע, שזהו ענין מחשבה...
והנה מעתה יש להבין דרך פרט יותר בענין הלבושין דמחשבה דבור ומעשה כו’ כמו שכתוב לבושין תקינת לון כו’ We must now understand the matter of the garments of thought, speech and action, in...
ומעתה יובן דרך כלל במה שהאותיות נקראים כלים וגם נקראים לבושים It may now be understood in a general way why the letters are called “Vessels[1] – Kelim” and are also called “Garments[2] –...