
Reciting the Hagadah 0

Reciting the Hagadah

The Zohar writes, that whoever tells over what occurred by yetzias mitzrayim and celebrates it joyfully, will merit being joyous with the Shechinah in Olam Haba. The Arizal said that the haggada should be...

Seeing Eliyahu 0

Seeing Eliyahu

When he was eight years old, the Frierdiker Rebbe recorded the events of the previous Pesach in his diary: Erev Pesach, after learning the Seder Korbon Pesach with me, my father said, “Tonight, Eliyahu...

Becoming a Mentch 0

Becoming a Mentch

The fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, the Rabbi Sholom DovBer, once told the his son, the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe: “Yosef Yitzchok, during the Seder, and especially when opening the door for Eliyahu Hanavi, one must think...

Mundane speech 0

Mundane speech

The Shaloh Hakadosh writes: The Seder night, and all its halachos, are of great kedusha, for this is when Hashem chose us from all other nations and gave us his mitzvos. Therefore, on this...

Everything has a plan 0

Everything has a plan

The night of Pesach is called, “The Seder night,” meaning the night of order. This hints to the fact that everything that has happened to the Jewish people from the time of yetzi-as Mitzrayim (the...

Hiding the Afikoman 0

Hiding the Afikoman

Reb Chaim Brisker explains that the custom of hiding the Afikoman has its roots in Halachah: eating the afikoman as the last item of the meal commemorates the Korban Pesach which was the last to...