Parshas Matos – The War Against Midian
Why does the Torah give so much importance to the war against the Midianites?
The Center For Jewish Thought
Why does the Torah give so much importance to the war against the Midianites?
G-d Almighty commands the Jews to use a lottery to allot each tribe its portion of the Land of Israel.
King David and Moshiach
When the nations heard the miracles that G-d did for the Israelites fear and fright fell upon them.
The Jewish people are compared to a dove. This essay teaches us the deeper meaning of this.
What were the reasons for the Pesach sacrifice?
How did the Jew’s merit to be redeemed?
The meaning of the first two plagues.
By Avner Friedmann Egypt is a country that has very little rainfall. Rather, it depends heavily on the Nile for the irrigation and fertility of its soil. From ancient times, until the Aswan dam...
The significance of Moshe’s miraculous staff.