Why Are There Difficulties
By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui The Bible says. “If a prophet will arise from among you, or a person who has a vision in his dream, and he indicates to you a sign (in the...
The Center For Jewish Thought
By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui The Bible says. “If a prophet will arise from among you, or a person who has a vision in his dream, and he indicates to you a sign (in the...
By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui The Bible says, “You should not move back your neighbor’s boundary” marker, to commit territorial fraud, by encroaching and stealing from his territory. In the broader sense this commandment includes...
By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui A human being is generally divided into three parts. The head, body and legs. These three parts represent three distinct ways we go about our lives and we fulfill our...
Showing gratitude to HaShem.
A translation of the famous continuum of discourses (Hemshech) by Rabbi Shalom DovBer of Lubavitch, beginning on Rosh HaShanah of the year 5666, known as Hemshech Samech Vav. This is a fundamental work that analyzes, breaks down and sets forth the foundations of Chassidic thought in relation to the purpose of the creation of the world and man.
A deeper dimension to the levirate marriage.
A translation of the famous continuum of discourses (Hemshech) by Rabbi Shalom DovBer of Lubavitch, beginning on Rosh HaShanah of the year 5666, known as Hemshech Samech Vav. This is a fundamental work that analyzes, breaks down and sets forth the foundations of Chassidic thought in relation to the purpose of the creation of the world and man.
While many people thing that rabbinic ruling are merely human add-ons, we are actually commanded in the Torah to follow them.
By Rabbi Akiva Wagner The Alter Rebbe once remarked: “Der vos vet onhalten mein klamke, vet nisht shtarben ohn Tshuva” [whoever grasps my doorknob, is assured that he will not pass away from...
By Rabbi Akiva Wagner Rabbi Reuven Dunin of blessed memory was a one-of-a-kind Chassid, shliach, and mashpia (chassidic mentor)—Someone truly unique. He made his first acquaintance with Chabad when he walked into the study hall...