Part Four – Rabbi Yosef meets Shlomo Leib
Now, the Chassid, Rabbi Yosef of Beshenkovitch also longed to go to Lubavitch. However, for various reasons he was unable to do so. Thus, much time passed and he had still not gone to...
The Center For Jewish Thought
Now, the Chassid, Rabbi Yosef of Beshenkovitch also longed to go to Lubavitch. However, for various reasons he was unable to do so. Thus, much time passed and he had still not gone to...
His heart opened with a rush of memories, like an overflowing fountain. He remembered his wife and children. Who knows if they are still alive or how they earn their livelihood. How much anguish...
Now, in the meantime, when Rabbi Yosef realized the seriousness of Shlomo Leib’s condition, he took it upon himself to fast day and night for two consecutive twenty-four hour periods ending with the commencement...
On Shabbat an officer of the Count’s court arrived in a coach hitched to two stallions. He bore a letter from the young prince stating that since Shlomo Leib is still weak, his advice...
By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui The following is a quote from one of the great mystics. “Thoughts and the ability to visualize are incredibly powerful. As if it were convincing and lifelike, these faculties will...
By: Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui Anybody who is somebody, wants more of a spiritual connection in life. Some of us are not sure why that is so but the desire is there. For some they...
In this discourse Rabbi Dov Ber of Lubavitch explains the Kabbalistic and Chassidic purpose for why we spend numerous hours sleeping and dreaming every night.
By: Rabbi Dovid Markel Dear Rabbi Reading the Bible, I see no mention of a prohibition of not consuming milk and meat. Where does that come from? Sincerely, Alex The commandment of...
I know that the Torah prohibits eating meat and milk together but why must we wait a period of time between meat and milk? Where does that come from?
Learn about the stages of Divine consciousness resulting from Hitbonenut meditation