Tagged: Pesach Story

Let’s go to Tzion 0

Let’s go to Tzion

One time there arrived at the home R’ Yisroel of Koznitz a Jewish soldier from the Cantonists and requested that he able to join them for the seder. Reb Yisroel gladly obliged and the...

Matza Zu – This Matzah 0

Matza Zu – This Matzah

While reciting the Haggadah at the Seder, the tzaddik Reb Levi Yitzchok of Berdichev, would be filled with excitement and tremendous passion. Reaching the words ‘Matzah zu,’ he would become so caught in dveikus...

The four kosos with a fire 0

The four kosos with a fire

After the passing of the holy tzaddik Reb Menachem Mendel of Vorki, many of his chassidim accepted the tzaddik Reb Berish of Biala as Rebbe. On the first night of Pesach, they brought him...