Hemshech Samech-Vav Discourse 5 BaYom HaShmini 5666 by The Holy Rabbi Sholom Dovber of Lubavitch Translated by Shimon Markel Edited by Rabbi Amiram Markel The verse states,[1] “On the eighth day shall be...
The Center For Jewish Thought
Hemshech Samech-Vav Discourse 5 BaYom HaShmini 5666 by The Holy Rabbi Sholom Dovber of Lubavitch Translated by Shimon Markel Edited by Rabbi Amiram Markel The verse states,[1] “On the eighth day shall be...
A translation of the famous continuum of discourses (Hemshech) by Rabbi Shalom DovBer of Lubavitch, beginning on Rosh HaShanah of the year 5666, known as Hemshech Samech Vav. This is a fundamental work that analyzes, breaks down and sets forth the foundations of Chassidic thought in relation to the purpose of the creation of the world and man.