In Court With a Cow

Once, a query concerning the kosher status of a certain cow was brought before the great chossid, Rabbi Hillel of Paritch. After some deliberation he declared the animal to be fit for consumption.

Those present, were somewhat surprised that he had ruled contrary to the majority of halachik arbitrators and asked him: “Rebbe, don’t most authorities rule to be strict on such a case? Why then, did you choose to be lenient?!”

Reb Hillel responded as followed:

“After a hundred and twenty, when I go before the Heavenly Tribunal, I may be called to defend myself by those that ate this meat. They will perhaps sue me that I caused them to eat from this cow. If this happens, I will be able to provide ample defense and prove that I was indeed correct for saying that this animal was kosher.

However, if I would have said that the animal in unkosher, the animal itself would have brought me to court.

I personally, do not wish to be in a court case with a cow!”

(Shmu’os VeSipurim, Vol. 2, Pg. 70)

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