From My Students

The Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, had a chassid by the name of Shimon Eliyahu from Chaslavitch; concerning which he assigned the idiom (Makot 10a) “from my disciples I have learned most of all.”

The story that brought about the event is as follows:[1]

Reb Shimon Eliyahu was beloved by everyone. When he would come to visit the Rebbe he would hug the chassidim and dance with the. So much did he love people, that he was incapable of hearing something negative about his fellow.

Whenever someone would say something negative, he would respond: “Why start from the negative, when you can start from the positive—why is this individual at fault that through him, Heaven shows you, your own faults?!”

Once, when the Alter Rebbe was sitting in his room, which was situated on the second floor, he was unable to make a decision about a certain matter. Suddenly, he heard earnest dancing coming from below.

He approached the window and saw Reb Shimon Eliyhu dancing with the Chassidim. The matter caused the Rebbe such joy that he remarked: “Much have I learned from my Masters, more from my colleagues and from my disciples most of all!”

When Chassidim are joyous we have the ability to impact the Rebbe in something that he can only receive from his disciples.

[1] Sefer HaSichot, 5705 Pg. 119

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