The Power of Chassidim

A certain Jew who had abandoned the path of Torah, by an awakening of his G-dly spark, was once nostalgic of his youth.

He invited the chassidim of the area to hold a Chassidic gathering in his home and he provided kosher food from a local restaurant.

During the gathering he was extremely inspired and swore, that from that day on he would live a kosher home and would not desecrate the Shabbos.  The very next day he broke all his un-kosher china and bought new ones and that Shabbos was the first time that his office was closed in 19 years.

When the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe recounted this story, he remarked:

“Look at the great power of a Chassidic gathering. When chassidim are inspired about the words of Chassidus, they have the ability to motivate an individual who desecrated the Shabbos and ate un-kosher for 19 years to do teshuvah!

Chassidim do not adequately appreciate their spiritual strength.”

(Sefer HaToldos, Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Vol 2, Pg. 171)

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